Professional photography, editing of each piece of art, and a digital proof to review
Books range from 25-350 images and come in two sizes: 8"x8" or 11"x8.5"
Premium matte printing and ability to add custom cover and captions
Access to your digital images on our website and the iOS app.
Showcases 25 or 9 of your images depending on size
26"x26" or 14"x14" solid wood, gallery frame and professional matting
Professional photography, editing of each piece of art, and a digital proof to review
Access to your digital images on our website and the iOS app.
We'll send you a box to fill with all your favorite art pieces and an order form to select a Book, Mosaic, or both.
We'll individually photograph every piece of artwork in your box and then edit each image to show off the artwork in its best light.
You'll receive an invoice based on the number of art pieces you've sent and the product(s) you've selected.
Our creative team will thoughtfully design your Book or Mosaic and send you a proof to review, customize and approve for print.
24”x18”x4” crush-proof Artkive Box (holds 300-400 pieces of art)
Re-sealable art protection bag
Order form to select your Art Books and/or Framed Mosaics, plus tips and tricks to organize your art
Prepaid shipping label to send back your box from anywhere in the contiguous U.S.
Want to get your artwork back?
3 months FREE access with the option to get a membership to extend
Accessible on your Artkive account through the website and iOS App with the option to extend for long-term safekeeping
Order additional books or mosaics with your digital images
What parent doesn't want to save all their kid's artful creations? But there isn't space. Enter Artkive. The company sends you a box to fill with your child's drawings. Then it professionally photographs them and has you proof the images before turning them into a hardcover book.
Hey, we’re Artkive! We believe in the power of creativity and making memories last. Our passion, dedication, and love of what we do is what makes us the industry leader in helping families like yours preserve kid's art.